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11 must-read FP&A books 📚
Get ready to add more titles to your TBR (to be read) list as we reveal the 11 best FP&A books to help you excel within your role.👇🏼
Chief Investment Officer vs Chief Financial Officer
Chief Investment Officer (CIO) vs Chief Financial Officer (CFO) - they’re two very important C-suite roles, and while they may seem similar at face value, these roles are completely different.
Multiple on Invested Capital (MOIC): Definition & guide
In this article, we’re zeroing in on MOIC to uncover what it is, its role in private equity, and more importantly, how you can use it to sharpen your investment evaluation skills.r
AI in FP&A: What you need to know
AI in FP&A won’t make you or your role obsolete. But it will help automate routine tasks and give you more time for strategic initiatives. Keep reading to find out how.