We want to shine a spotlight on the unsung heroes in finance and give credit where credit is due (pun intended), which is why we’ve launched the first ever Finance Alliance Awards, 2023.

Whether you want to nominate a great team, a top finance pro, or even shine a light on your own successes – we have an award for every finance achievement.🥇

So, without further ado, it's time to roll out the financial red carpet and get your nominations in!

Key date for your diary

  • 💌 Nomination deadline: October 4, 2023

2023 Awards Categories

Let’s take a look at each of the awards up for grabs…

  • Finance Leader of the Year 2023
  • Finance Team of the Year 2023
  • Lifetime Achievement Award in Finance 2023

Finance Leader of the Year 2023

The best finance leaders aren't just about the numbers. They inspire trust, foster innovation, and make waves in an ocean of monetary challenges. Got the vision of a hawk when it comes to financial strategies, while also maintaining a golden touch with your team and stakeholders? Or know someone who does? The finance arena awaits its champion. Get nominating! 🌟

Finance Team of the Year 2023

Talk about team synergy! This award is scouting for squads that do more than crunch numbers. We're seeking out teams with a dynamic pulse, unmatched collaboration, and results that would make Wall Street take a double glance. If you're part of (or acquainted with) a finance team that's setting the gold standard, now's the time to give them the credit they deserve!

Lifetime Achievement Award in Finance 2023

Finance isn't just about yearly quarters, it's about decades of dedication, innovation, and sheer grit. This award is reserved for an incredible finance professional who has seen it all, done it all, and still making a mark. Their legacy? A story of fiscal genius, invaluable contributions, and lessons for the next generation. If you know a finance pro who fits the bill, help us etch their name in history. 🏆

Our judging criteria

Here's what we're scouting for in our victors:

  • Finance professionals revolutionizing the industry.
  • Concrete outcomes that are evident – be it profits, successful investments, portfolio growth, enhanced financial procedures, or elevating fellow teams to excellence.
  • Testimonials from at least one other colleague within your/the nominee’s organization.
  • Any other accolades or achievements that make you/your nominee truly shine amidst the financial elite.

Happy nominating and best of luck!