We’re going beyond Excel in our latest quest to uncover the most impressive and revolutionary tools in finance – but we need your help!

Whether you're a CFO, Finance Manager, FP&A Analyst, or anyone in between, we want to hear from you! As you know, the finance world is packed with tools, from AI-powered predictive models to data visualization tools and blockchain-supported security platforms, there are a lot of options to choose from.

But which tools rule the finance industry?

Take our survey and help us create the ultimate line-up of tools in finance.

What to expect

We’ll ask you:

  • What your tool of choice is in various categories of finance, such as forecasting, budgeting, working capital management, and more.
  • Why you nominated that specific tool.

…and that’s it!

By taking part in our survey, you’ll…

💡Help identify the top tools across the industry.

🤔 Contribute to a key resource that’ll help your peers and industry leaders make informed decisions.

🤝 Join a community of forward-thinking finance professionals helping to redefine the industry.

Take the survey and help us shape the report.👇