Digital Transformation in Finance: How CFOs can save on software and scale [eBook]

White paper

Learn how to master the operational and financial processes that underpin digital transformation success.

Over the last few years, software adoption has accelerated significantly and business leaders need ways to optimize internal processes to drive efficient growth.

In our latest eBook, courtesy of Cledara, we explore the importance of software management, and why efficient software discovery, purchasing, admin and cancellation is essential to a CFO’s strategy.

A sneak peek of what’s inside:

→ More than 70% of CFOs consider their top priority to be Digital Transformation

→ Scale-ups add up to 5 new SaaS applications every quarter – giving them a total of 20 new subscriptions to manage every year

65% of business leaders say there's room for improvement in the way their business manages their software.

2 in 5 business leaders think there are more SaaS subscriptions in the business than senior management budget for.

41% of business leaders say they have limited visibility over the number of unused applications in their organization.

Key takeaways:

🗺 The importance of the software management journey, and why efficient software discovery, purchasing, admin and cancellation is essential to a CFO’s strategy

3️⃣ Three steps to get started with software management - Benchmarking, cutting costs and setting the right processes in place.

🏆 How software management helps finance leaders hit their KPIs - discover the impact of software management on employee churn, CSAT and ARR, cash flow and compliance.